Red Guano is a fertilizer that is formed by the accumulation of seabird excrement, its antiquity easily dates back between 400,000 and 1,000,000. of years and comes in different forms such as dust or camotillo and these depend on the geographical location of its formation. Depending on the years of accumulation, they can be found in a Fossilized, Semi-fossilized or Fresh state.
As an organic fertilizer it contains large amounts of Matro-Nutrients, phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and other minor elements, micro-nutrients such as boron, zinc, copper, molybdenum, etc. Of importance in agricultural soils
This seabird excrement comes in different forms such as ravines, mantles or caletons: Because it is a natural fertilizer, the amounts of nutrients vary from one place to another, even within the same place, however, there is a range in that generally oscillate its components.

Fertilizer used for centuries in agriculture.
Benefits of using Red Guano
- The nutrients it provides (NPK) restore depleted lands.
- The amount of flowering increases and therefore the crops are more abundant, increasing their yield.
- Improves oxygen assimilation in plants.
- Plants grow more resistant, increasing their vitality.
- Balances the PH of the soil.
- Its amount of organic matter improves the water retention capacity of the soil.
- Due to its high nutrient content, fewer bags are required to fertilize, which reduces work.
- The cost of inputs decreases.
- Red Guano is free of seeds and other elements, so it eliminates weeding.

Red Guano
It is an impalpable, soft powder of a reddish, orange or gray color, and the odor is not very penetrating, although characteristic. Within all the nutrients it has. Phosphorus is the most predominant.
Nitrogenated Red Guano
It is a fertilizer with a high Nitrogen content both in the Ammonia state (NH4), and in the mineral state, NO3, Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Sulfur (S).
Premium Red Guano
It corresponds to thick layers of white guano, covered by a layer of camotillo that has allowed this guano to keep its nutritional qualities intact.
This camotillo forms a solid upper layer that has allowed the Guano to converse over time.
The difference in the types of guano is the number of years they are and the concentration of nitrogen it has.

Nutrient Table
Healthy soil is a combination of minerals, rocks, water, air, organic matter (plant and animal waste), microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi and protozoa, and a variety of insects and worms.
This intricate network performs a process that continually replenishes the soil and maintains long-term soil fertility.
For sustained growth, plants require Macro-Nutrients and trace elements. Macro-Nutrients include nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S). Trace elements include iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn). For optimal plant growth, the soil must be able to store these nutrients and transfer them to the root surface to be taken up by the plants.
Red Guano
Red Guano is a 100% organic fertilizer formed by the excrement of seabirds fossilized over time on the coasts of northern Chile. It is in itself the noblest of fertilizers and/or fertilizers known throughout the agricultural world, mainly for maintain a balanced amount of nutrient elements.
As an organic fertilizer it contains large amounts of Macro-Nutrients, phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and other minor elements, micro-nutrients such as boron, zinc, copper, molybdenum, etc. Of importance in agricultural soils.
Organic material
This Red Guano, apart from the amount of nutritional elements it provides to the soil, its organic matter content, brings with it a series of additional benefits, such as improving its physical characteristics, increasing its aeration capacity and moisture retention.
Nutritious Elements

Nitrogen Nitrogen primarily favors the growth of shoots, leaves and stems, that is, all the vegetative parts of plants. It is the engine of plant life and is part of protein. The effect of nitrogen is most evident in the observation because the plants provided with this element demonstrate green, lush and fresh vegetation.
Phosphorus Phosphorus plays an essential role in the plant’s assimilation process, promoting abundant flowering and fruiting. Phosphorus accelerates seed formation and maturity.
Potassium Potash has an important role in plant physiology and is involved in cellular metabolism processes, respiration, transpiration and absorption of other elements. Apparently, water absorption and retention are regulated in such a way that increases the plants’ resistance to drought and protects them against the effects of frost. Potash intervenes in the synthesis of carbohydrates and proteins in such a way that it favors the formation of starch, sugar, oils and fats, thus increasing the rigor and resistance to diseases in vegetables.
For sustained growth, plants require macro-nutrients. Which include nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S). Trace elements include iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn). For optimal plant growth, the soil must be able to store these nutrients and transfer them to the surface of the roots to be taken up by the plants.
Micronutrients are as important as macronutrients, even though the plant requires them only in very small quantities.
The absence of any of these micronutrients in the soil can limit plant growth, even when
Depending on the objective pursued when applying it, if you want to improve the properties of the soil and its general fertility, the dose varies between 2 and 15 tons per hectare, depending on the type of soil, the duration of the effect and the variety of the crop developed. If you only want to supplement phosphorus deficiencies in crops, the necessary dose will be equivalent to the units of this element (P205) recommended for each type of crop.

Red Guano Application Table